In the beautiful area of North Idaho, we experience the weather patterns that each season has, whether it’s spring showers, thunderstorms in the summer, snow in the winter, and wind at any time of the year. Depending on your roof’s age, and the last time maintenance was done, these storms can make a huge impact. One of these storms could also cause a nearby tree to fall, damaging the roof as well. No matter what caused it, having insurance can make a huge difference. The big question is finding out exactly what your homeowner’s insurance policy will cover. Here’s what you need to know.
What is a standard homeowner’s insurance policy?
Unfortunately, there’s no “one-size-fits-all” insurance. You and your neighbor could have the same house built right next to each other with the same insurance agency, and the prices would still be different. It all depends on what you need. The standard homeowner’s insurance policy might cover the cost of damages caused by the wind, such as shingles getting pulled off the roof or if the wind throws something into the roof, causing damage. It may also cover lightning strikes, especially if it starts a fire, water damage, and ice damage. There are also a few add-ons you can include in your packages such as earthquake or flood insurance. This would be an extra charge, but it might be worth it. You never know what could happen.
You can’t just assume that every insurance company you research in your area will have all of this coverage either. Some will vary depending on the location if they’re a local insurance agent who understands how our weather works, and more. It’s to work with your local agent to determine what works best for you and your home.
Will the policies cover roof damage?
Roof damage repairs are a little more in-depth when working with your insurance company. If the roof is damaged and it’s not covered under any policy you have, unfortunately, you’ll be footing the entire bill. However, what if you do have the correct policy? There’s still a chance the insurance won’t cover all of the repairs if the damage could have been avoided; for example, if your roof was older and already needed repairs, or if the tree that fell on your roof was already dead or decaying. In that case, the insurance company may only cover part of the damages. It is important to know where you stand with your insurance policy.
What can I do to make sure my roof is covered from storm damage?
● Get regular maintenance done on your roof, which is usually once a year or once every two years. Making sure the roof is structurally sound and the shingles are all attached is essential. If there are any issues, such as missing shingles, then get them fixed as soon as you can, especially before the winter months.
● Document your roof with pictures and reports. The more proof you have that your roof was structurally sound before the damage happened, the better, especially if it’s a report from a reputable roofer.
Not sure when your roof had its last check-up? Contact us as North Idaho Roofing to set up an appointment!