4 Ways Your Roof Can Increase Your Property Value

Did you know the condition of your roof can make or break the future sale of your house? The roof is a vital piece to the structure of the house. An issue with the roof, such as a small leak or missing shingles, can cause severe damage. Regular maintenance and repair will keep your home protected, ultimately increasing the resale value of the house. Here are four ways your roof can increase the property value.

• Pay Attention To The Warranty: Most roofing companies offer a warranty for a length of time, guaranteeing how well their work will last. You may not need a complete replacement, but other damage may happen from storms, branches, wind, and more. Getting the roof fixed while the warranty is still active will save you money with repairs.

aluminum roof

• Have Proper Ventilation: The main reason for a roof is to keep the elements out. You may not realize that your roof needs proper ventilation to prevent moisture from building up from the heat rising in the house. These vents are carefully placed to help keep the airflow consistent without any damage from the weather outside.

• Installing Skylights: If the roof is directly over a finished room, a skylight can be beneficial. It provides a beautiful amount of natural light. Skylights aren’t standard, so when it’s time to sell your home, it will be a unique feature that sets your house apart from others.

new shingels

• Replacing Fascia & Soffits: Soffits are boards that cover up the end of the rafters. Fascia goes into the space under the eaves of the roof. While they’re not mentioned often, they’re essential to the overall health of the roof. It prevents birds, mice, and other creatures from making their way into the house.

Are you planning on selling your home soon? Contact North Idaho Exteriors today!